Over the last few weeks we took the time to say thank you to our customers. We delivered Halloween treats, hosted a movie premier, made a lot of phone calls to say thanks and continued our Christmas tradition of handing out “Wolfgang” short bread cookies.
Our “Thank you” theme continues in December with a focus on our contractors. The contractors are the guys and gals who get the work done. The people, who work from forty-foot ladders, spray epoxy on metal roofs in the blistering heat, work graveyard shifts while painting parkades and sacrifice weekends to hit deadlines.
Wolfgang switched from employee painters to sub-contractors in 2008 and it was an excellent move. Like any business model change, it had its challenges. But now, through teamwork and a commitment to win/win from our contractors, the model is producing great results.
The paint industry has and always will be built around sub-contractors. Painters are hard working, self-taught and independent people. The best painters want to leverage their skills and maximize their earning potential, so they become sole proprietors. Some choose to work solely for themselves and others, wanting to avoid the headaches of marketing and sales, choose to contract their work from larger paint companies.
With care and attention the sub-contractor model delivers price certainty for the customers, capacity for the larger paint contractors and a simpler more consistent business for the subs.
Our contractors are operationally excellent; they know how to produce paint jobs efficiently with great quality. They are great people to work with.
So, for December we are saying thank you to our contractors. We will have a little party, share a few laughs and celebrate a job well done.
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