Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our Customers Speak and We Listen

In the past, Wolfgang has blanketed Vancouver’s Property Management industry with paper marketing. Flyers, post cards, faxes, direct mail, proposal folders, display ads, invoices, you name it we did it. If we needed leads we dropped a bunch of flyers. If we needed “Brand” awareness we send out postcards. You get the picture. We never felt good about the paper waste but the marketing worked so we did it.

However, as the company grew and gained market share our traditional marketing tactics devolved from effective to unproductive to damaging. Our customers became bored and irritated with our marketing efforts. Eventually, one our customers, emailed, “stop with the paper or we’ll stop buying!” Right, time to change.

Today, we have eliminated paper marketing in favor of social media and PR. And, our paper billing has been converted to a digital format. The change in our billing process was a no brainer but the marketing has been challenging.

PR and social media take lots of legwork and time and the results are difficult to quantify. There tends to be long periods of “unknown” or “is this going to work?” and in business the unknown is scary. But, our customers let us know that a change was needed and we are committed to “greener” not to mention more effective marketing.

Check back in a few weeks to see how our campaigns are rolling out.

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